Research seminar with Dr Johnathan Jodamus: “Between ‘Dad’s Army’ and Vulnerable Masculinities”
- Date: Thursday 5 May 2022, 11:30 – 13:00
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
The Centre for Religion and Public Life at the University of Leeds is delighted to announce a research seminar with Dr Johnathan Jodamus, University of the Western Cape (South Africa).
The title of his presentation is “Between ‘Dad’s Army’ and Vulnerable Masculinities: Exploring 1 Corinthians 4:14-21 and 11:1 for ‘Redemptive Masculinities’.”
The seminar will take place online, via Microsoft Teams, and is open to members of the Centre for Religion and Public Life, other academic staff and research students at Leeds, and anyone with an interest in the topic. To receive the seminar link, please contact Professor Adriaan van Klinken.
This paper interrogates the foundations of the concept ‘redemptive biblical manhood’ insofar as they derive from normative sacred texts, such as Paul’s letters to the Corinthians. In particular, the presentation focuses on how ideal fatherhood and male headship are rendered exchangeable within this discursive paradigm. While responsibility, leadership and strength are the most valued characteristics within this paradigm of transformative or redemptive biblical manhood, the paper explores vulnerability as a key tenet within the strategies for transforming dominant masculinities.
Dr Johnathan Jodamus is a Senior Lecturer in the Department of Religion and Theology at the University of the Western Cape, Cape Town, South Africa. His primary research and teaching interests are based at the intersections of gender studies and New Testament biblical studies. More recently he has developed a wider research interest in how religion both shapes, and is shaped by constructions and deconstructions of gender, race and sexuality.