Solo Spirituality: Navigating Singleness in Indonesia

- Date: Wednesday 18 September 2024, 13:00 – 14:30
- Location: Online
- Cost: Free
Part of ‘The place of singles studies in feminist and gender discourses’ seminar series co-hosted by the Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and The Centre for Religion and Public Life
‘The place of singles studies in feminist and gender discourses’ seminar series co-hosted by University of Leeds’s Centre for Interdisciplinary Gender Studies and The Centre for Religion and Public Life (CRPL)
18 September 2024, 1300-1430, UK time, Online. For sign-up and login details, please email Professor Tendai Mangena at
Presentation title: Solo Spirituality - Navigating Singleness in Indonesia by Dr Karel K. Himawan
Abstract: In a society where marital status and religious affiliation hold significant sway over social perceptions, the experience of remaining single during the marriageable age can bring about a multitude of social, psychological, and spiritual challenges. While societal norms may exert pressure, religious beliefs have the potential to offer solace amidst life's unwelcome circumstances. In this presentation, I will explore the multifaceted roles religion plays in shaping the experience of singleness among Indonesian adults, encompassing attitudes towards marriage, singlehood, and gender norms. Indonesia's religious pluralism offers a unique lens through which to explore the diverse interpretations of singleness and navigate the intricacies of this life stage.
Speaker bio: Karel is a licensed clinical psychologist under the Allied Health Professions Council in Indonesia. Karel earned his Doctorate degree in Clinical Psychology from the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Queensland. He currently serves as the Head of Department of the Undergraduate Psychology program at Universitas Pelita Harapan, and as a Center Director at Breakthrough for Life Psychological Center.
In parallel with the interests of his professional practice, Karel is actively involved in various research projects about interpersonal relationship, particularly on how marriage and marital status affect an individual's well-being viewed through cross-cultural perspectives. His works have been published in several international reputable journals and also showcased in RELASI Research Lab, where he is the core researcher.