Online event: Moving fast and building things - how to lead a complex organisation remotely

Join Jodie Ginsberg for a free webinar and explore how leaders can maintain integrity in a time of high stress and competing priorities.

There is a tension in leadership. On one hand, we expect leaders to lead by consent and even, in some organisations, by consensus. On the other, we expect a clear direction, which we think should be in line with the leader’s own values.

This tension is brought out further when the organisation is suddenly asked to transition to remote working in a situation where its employees are experiencing significant and diverse challenges, both in personal and professional life. The leader needs to be responsive to each person’s circumstances, and to take these into account when making decisions. At the same time, when so much seems uncertain, people may even more be looking for a clear vision and direction from leaders.

What does integrity require in a situation like this? If integrity is partly about consistently acting on our values, how do we do this while giving ‘democratic’ norms due respect? If integrity is partly about standing for something, how do we communicate what we stand for in these circumstances?

And how do you do this if you are new to the organisation and having to act quickly, without having been able to take time to develop a sense of the organisation you are now leading?

Our guest speaker for this session is Jodie Ginsberg. Jodie is the chief executive of Internews Europe, a non-profit organisation that supports media organisations and others worldwide to ensure that everyone has access to information. She started her job in March, two days before the office went into full work from home mode. A journalist by profession, Jodie was previously CEO of freedom of expression organisation Index on Censorship and is a regular speaker on media freedom and free speech issues.

Join the session via Microsoft Teams