
Applications of our research to improving health and wellbeing reach from our cutting edge textile and colour technologies work, to visual communications and experience design.
Professor Stephen Russell and Professor Richard Blackburn worked together on the NIHR funded project Development of a Fully Flushable Ostomy Pouch (2011 – 2013), working towards improving the lives of stoma users, and reducing waste.
Academics in the Visual Communication and Experience Design groups have been tackling the issue of Obesity Prevention through information design: Professor Maria Lonsdale has a body of work on obesity prevention amongst students and Tang Tang, has outputs addressing portion control through innovative packaging design for children.
Academic research in the health theme
Professor Richard Blackburn has outputs on chamomile and hyperglycaemia, and on nanofibre assemblies for therapeutic delivery of L-tryptophan (amino acid).
Professor Maria Lonsdale also has led a series of projects on information design for bowel preparation for colonoscopy.
Dr Catherine Stones is working on infographics to assist carers / children about joining medical trials and has a current funded project about ambient communications to improve toilet hygiene habits for children.
Dr Tang Tang has a series of projects funded by the BBSRC DRINC and seed funding on the development of design interventions to promote healthy eating and portion control in children.
Find out about our research in Experience Design, Visual Communication, and Textile Technology.
Other research activity
Professor Steve Westland has also done research on the impact of colour and light on health and wellbeing. You can watch the video below.
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