Film of the world premiere of Tim Benjamin's Herakles
- Date: Sunday 8 July 2018, 19:00 – 21:45
- Location: Clothworkers Building North
- Cost: £8; £5 (unwaged); £3 (student)
On Sunday 30 April 2017 the world premiere of Tim Benjamin’s thrilling musical drama Herakles in Todmorden Town Hall was filmed
The film shows this performance by the substantial forces of Todmorden Choral Society and Todmorden Orchestra, together with a number of professional instrumentalists; five outstanding professional singers played the roles of Zeus, the mercurial Hermes, and the two terrifying Titans, Royalty and Tyranny; and the story was masterfully narrated by the professional actor who portrayed Time herself.
The Town Hall was full to capacity with an audience whose high expectations were not disappointed:
a wonderful collaboration of ideas from a group of incredibly talented people
This work deserves many more performances!
the interpretation of the music goes very well together with the academic research that underlies it
Excellent – a work that must be a candidate for a professional performance and recording – 5*
Further information about the event, including directions, together with a link to buy tickets online (credit/debit card) and information about how to reserve tickets to pay in cash on the night, see