
Results 1 to 5 of 18 in Centre for Religion and Public Life

Islamophobia awareness month 1

On the occasion of Islamophobia Awareness Month, CRPL is pleased to promote an event organised by the Iqbal Centre for Critical Muslim Studies, in association with the Muslim Staff Network

A photo of a crowd holding placards about feminism and Donald Trump at a protest in Washington DC.

The Centre for Religion and Public Life is pleased to announce the publication of ‘Cult’ Rhetoric in the 21stCentury: Deconstructing the Study of New Religious Movements 

Adriaan van Klinken

The Centre for Religion and Public Life is pleased to announce the publication of an important new book, co-authored by our own Professor Adriaan van Klinken

Philosophy research - reading a text.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships open for applications