The Pedagogic Research in the Arts Stream Channel

You can now catch up with recordings of PRiA events via our Stream Channel
Introducing the PRiA Stream channel
You can now catch up with recordings of PRiA events via our Stream Channel
The Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) Stream Channel hosts recordings of our events for you to access. You can also access accompanying resources for the events on the PRiA SharePoint Repository ( Please do not share or duplicate any of tthe research presented without the permission of the contributors.
PRiA Events
- Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures Contents Notes Guidance Launch
- Showcasing Students as Researchers in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and
- Cultures
- Supporting and Surfacing Academic Skills in the Curriculum
- Innovating Online Lectures
- PRiA Support for University Teaching Award Applications
- Using TurnItIn Rubrics to Enhance and Streamline Marking
- PebblePad for Teaching and Learning in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and
- Cultures
Curriculum Redefined Conversations
- Surfacing Skills
- Numeracy and Quantitative Skills
- Fina; Year Projects, Interdisciplinarity, and Synoptic Assessment
The Inaugural PRiA Slow Conference 2022: ‘Pedagogical Innovation in the
Arts after the Digital Pivot’
- PRiA Slow Conference 2022: Jeff Grabill, Deputy Vice Chancellor for
- Student Education in conversation with Dr Helen Finch, Director of PRiA
- PRiA Slow Conference 2022: Practitioner Panel Part One
- PRiA Slow Conference 2022: Practitioner Panel Part Two
- PRiA Slow Conference 2022: Beyond Assessing Spelling and Grammar
- PRiA Slow Conference 2022: Supporting Professional Recognition in Student
- Education (PRiSE)