
Results 71 to 75 of 143 in Research and innovation

Computer illustration of a deepfake being made - a woman's face is shown being swapped with another face.

Fake footage is a centuries-old problem that began long before digital technology, according to a Leeds academic.

A community group in India viewing a co-produced artwork.

Artists from around the globe have been connected with Leeds academics to explore climate change and justice in an online research project.

Close up of a old handwritten letter.

Dr Linch and Dr Quinn will present some of their findings about the family and social connections of British Army officers between 1793 and 1815.

Leila jancovich

A recording of Professor Leila Jancovich's inaugural lecture 'A Lifetime of Failure' is now available to view on the stage@leeds website.

An old map of Salhyeh and Mansoura - Hooleh Morass

History PGR student Alex Worsfold has received funding to to show the value of historical data to modern efforts to restore and rewild wetlands in the Huleh Valley.