Symposium in Honour of Rev. Senyonjo
- Date: Wednesday 18 July 2018, 14:30 – 16:30
- Location: Clothworkers Building North
- Cost: Free
The University of Leeds is awarding an honorary degree to Rev. Christopher Senyonjo, and on Wednesday 18 July a symposium will be held to celebrate this occasion.
The University of Leeds is awarding an honorary degree to Rev. Christopher Senyonjo. A symposium will be held to celebrate this occasion on Wednesday 18 July.
Rev. Senyonjo served the Church of Uganda as Bishop of the Diocese of West Buganda from 1974 till his retirement in 1998. He has been one of the few religious leaders in Uganda, and indeed in Africa, who actively supports members of the LGBT (lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender) community and advocates for the recognition of their human rights, in a context of widespread social and political homo- and trans-phobia. He has suffered as a result of his courageous leadership and advocacy, as in 2006 the Church of Uganda stripped him from all his entitlements as ordained minister and retired bishop.
The honorary degree will be awarded to Senyonjo during the graduation ceremony of the School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures at the University of Leeds on 17 July 2018.
On the following day, the School’s Centre for Religion and Public Life, in collaboration with the Leeds University Centre for African Studies, is hosting a symposium in honour of Senyonjo’s work and to mark and celebrate the occasion of the degree award. The symposium will feature several speakers reflecting upon Senyonjo’s life and ministry in the context of Uganda and from the perspective of Christian theology. It will also feature representatives of various communities and organisations in the university and the city of Leeds, who will briefly reflect upon the inspiration that Senyonjo presents to their work.
You are warmly invited to attend this event, which will take place on Wednesday 18 July, from 14:30 to 16:30h in room G.12 in the Clothworkers North building (check here for directions), to be followed by a drinks reception. Limited places are available, so please confirm your attendance by email to
For more information, please contact Dr Adriaan van Klinken (
Location details
Room G.12 in the Clothworkers North building