Creative Change: Sustainability Practice in the Cultural Industries

- Date: Wednesday 5 October 2022, 13:00 – 17:00
- Location: Stage@Leeds
- Cost: Free
Join regional arts practitioners, organisations, academics and researchers to discuss the realities, challenges and opportunities of creative sustainable practice.
Hosted by stage@leeds, The School of Performance and Cultural Industries, Sustainable Arts in Leeds and The Cultural institute.
We are excited that this event will be introduced by our keynote Speakers Dr Cat Scott (University Academic Fellow in Biosphere-Climate Interactions and Director of the Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere and Forest (LEAF) centre) and Feimatta Conteh, (Environmental Sustainability Manager for the Manchester international Festival and a member of the advisory committee for the Theatre Green Book).
This interactive event will provide participants with an opportunity and platform to interact with fellow professionals across the regional cultural sector to develop partnerships, forge relationships and openly discuss sustainable practice.
Due to the nature of the event places have been limited so if you would like to join us please reserve your ticket now and more detailed information will follow shortly.