Participation as Policy, Practice and Methodology

- Date: Wednesday 19 June 2019, 10:00 – 18:00
- Location: Stage@Leeds
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Thursday 20 June 2019
- Cost: £20 - £40
Participants are invited to join in the discussion around current agendas in the interdisciplinary turn to participation.
This seminar has been organised by the Cultural participation network and the Centre for Cultural Policy at the University of Leeds, in collaboration with the Danish research network Take Part, and the Croatian Kultura Nova foundation.
The network aims to create a space for reflection and comparative analysis between academics, policy makers and practitioners who are engaging with participation in theory and practice. It is built on the belief that participation has both different meanings and different objectives and that only by developing a clearer understanding of the aims and processes in different contexts can we understand the potential and the limitations of applying theory to practice.
The seminar is the second in a series being delivered in the participating countries in 2019 and will include workshops with keynote speakers, plus invited speakers from cultural institutions from UK, Croatia and Denmark who will reflect on their own participatory practices.
Furrther details and booking information can be found here