Cultural Cities and Cities of Culture

- Date: Monday 4 March 2019, 16:30 – 18:30
- Location: Stage@Leeds
- Cost: Free
The Centre for Cultural Policy welcomes Chenine Bhathena, Creative Director, Coventry 2021 and Jonathan Todd, Chief Economist, BOP Consulting.
This event explores the impact of culture on cities from several different points of view, from economics to wellbeing, and the conditions that are necessary for culture to thrive in an urban setting.
The discussion will be introduced by two talks;
Chenine Bhathena, will discuss her experience as Creative Director of Coventry 2021, the fourth edition of the City of Culture initiative run by the Department of Digital, Culture, Media and Sport; Jonathan Todd will present findings from The Cultural Cities Enquiry, a UK-wide project aimed at assessing different models and channels of investment into culture.
Chenine Bhathena is the architect of the UK City of Culture in Coventry 2021. She has overall responsibility for developing programmes, co-creation, community engagement, capacity building through development of national and international partnerships.
Jonathan Todd is Chief Economist at BOP consulting. He has over a decade’s experience in impact assessment and evaluation, and high-level policy experience, particularly within the cultural and creative sectors.
The panel of discussion will be chaired by Dr Alice Borchi (Lecturer in Creative Industries, School of Performance and Cultural Industries, University of Leeds).
This event is part of Professional Perspectives – a series of presentations by leading figures in the cultural industries that form part of the MA Culture, Creativity and Entrepreneurship course at the University of Leeds. Students and members of the public are welcome.
To reserve your place please register online.