Leeds Conference 'Non-Royal Rulership' Success
The University of Leeds conference 'Non-Royal Rulership in the Earlier Medieval West, c. 600-1200', held 8-9 April 2019, was highly successful and included attendees from eight different countries.
The 2019 Annual Conference of the European Artistic Research Network (EARN) ― call for contributions
This year’s Annual Conference of the European Artistic Research Network (EARN) is convened by the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies in partnership with Leeds Art Gallery.
Decoloniality, Cross-Disciplinarity, and the Medievalist: IMS Associate Professor Involvement
Dr Iona McCleery, IMS Associate Professor, has been involved in multiple events stressing cross-disciplinarity and decolonial approaches, indicating the value of a medievalist perspective.
Judith Tucker shortlisted for Jackson's Open painting prize 2019
Dr Judith Tucker, Senior Lecturer in Art and Design. has had a painting selected for the shortlist in Jackson’s Open Painting Prize 2019.
TLV1 Podcast - To fight and die for someone else’s country
A discussion with Dr Nir Arielli, Associate Professor of International History, University of Leeds.