Dr Vien Cheung receives global recognition
Dr Vien Cheung has been appointed to the prestigious position of President of the International Colour Association (AIC).
Autumn 2020 SEMPRE Conference to be hosted at Leeds
The School of Music is delighted to be hosting the Autumn 2020 Society for Education, Music and Psychology Research Conference.
Three things historical literature can teach us about the climate crisis
Dr Tess Somervell and Dr David Higgins have authored an article for The Conversation — an independent source of news sourced from the academic and research community.
Professor Diana Holmes presented with Modern Language Association prize at award ceremony in Seattle, Washington
Diana won the 27th Aldo and Jeanne Scaglione Prize for French and Francophone Studies.
9th CTS Professionalisation Talk 2019-20
On 11 December 2019, Jason Law and Brian Baillie gave a talk on how the University of Leeds Careers Centre can support CTS students with starting their careers.