
Results 1186 to 1190 of 2486 in all schools

Film festival laurel

Two films, produced as part of a School of Philosophy, Religion and History of Science research project, have been selected for screening at the Changing the Story Online International Film Festival.

Parkinson building

On the 5th May, the Medieval Group hosted its very first online workshop, entitled ‘“I Wish to Recall Everything”: a Workshop on Medieval Creative Writing’.


Students from the School of English have featured on Love the Words, discussing their contribution to the Tenter Hook anthology.

Idea ethics podcast

In a two-part interview, we discuss trust, mobile apps and the coronavirus with Andrew Dyson, managing partner for DLA Piper's Leeds office.

Poet Laureate and Professor of Poetry Simon Armitage.

Proceeds from a special performance recorded online will go to Refuge, a charity for supporting women and children experiencing domestic abuse.