Dr Tom Tyler publishes new book: Game: Animals, Video Games and Humanity
The book is a playful reflection on animals and video games, and what each can teach us about the other.
PERITIA Conference 'The Ethics of Trust and Expertise'
Dr Andrew Kirton and Dr Joshua Hobbs are to present their paper at the PERITIA conference 'The Ethics of Trust and Expertise' at the American University of Armenia.
Rap musicians visit School of Languages, Cultures and Societies
The School of Languages, Cultures and Societies recently hosted a visit for two rap musicians and social activists from Lisbon and Madrid.
Job Opportunity: Research and Teaching Fellow in British History
Do you have a research interest in the history of the British Army between 1790 and 1820? Are you interested in how archival records can be reconfigured through digital humanities technologies?
New Perspectives on Musicial Inscription from Dr Emily Payne
New book, "Material Cultures of Music Notation: New Perspectives on Musical Inscription" published.