Film by Fine Art alumna Astrid Butt premiered at Yorkshire Sculpture Park
A new short film created by BA Fine Art alumna Astrid Butt for a Yorkshire Graduate Award residency was showcased over the August bank holiday weekend at Yorkshire Sculpture Park.
Two new student-led exhibitions open to the public in Leeds
Two new exhibitions devised by MA students from the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies will be open to the public this August.
New book by alumna Shir Kochavi addresses the multifaceted history of Jewish cultural heritage after the Holocaust
A new book by Shir Kochavi explores the influence of the traumatic events of the Holocaust on the formation of a cultural heritage policy during the foundational years of the State of Israel.
Shortlist announced for FUAM Graduate Art Prize exhibition 2024
Four graduates from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Culture have been shortlisted for this year’s Friends of University Art and Music (FUAM) Graduate Art Prize.
Alumna Dr Louise Atkinson embarks on artist residency for a Wellcome Discovery Award funded research project
PhD graduate Dr Louise Atkinson is one of two Artists-in-Residence for Cripping Breath: Towards a New Cultural Politics of Respiration, a research project based at the University of Sheffield.