Boom: Experiments in Sound

Sound is all around us, every day. Even when you think it’s quiet, it’s not completely silent.
The Science and Media Museum in Bradford is currently hosting Boom: Experiments in Sound, a free temporary exhibition.
Experience the sensation of sound, as visitors uncover how it shapes our everyday lives. Follow the life of a soundwave through the gallery, from creation to being heard.

01: Art and Design Lecturer Andrea Thoma and students Sofya Tamarina and Kirill Berstenev pictured at the 'Sound Check' event at the Museum (21/10/2021).
Three BA Art and Design students from the School of Design have contributed to the production of a reworking of Alvin and Mary Lucier's composition 'I am sitting in a room', with three students from Leeds Beckett University.
This new recording features in the temporary exhibition and is titled 'I am standing in a museum,' and is running until 5 December 2021 for visitors.

03 Exhibition text
This project was initiated by Alan Dunn at Leeds Beckett University and coordinated with Louise K Wilson in Art and Design.
The students who were involved in this project from the School of Design are Kirill Berstenev, Tim C Huang, and Sofya Tamarina.
Banner Image: 05 Photographic documentation of the recording.