Exploring the experiences of live music events attendance for individuals with visual impairment

- Date: Thursday 13 October 2022, 13:00 –
- Location: Online
- Type: Seminar series
- Cost: Free
A presentation by Dr Claire Castle, Visiting Fellow at the University of Leeds.
This presentation reports findings from a mixed-methods project which sought to explore the musical experiences of individuals with visual impairment, focusing on those results relating to live event attendance.
The study utilised semi-structured interviews and an online survey to gather quantitative and qualitative data, the latter of which was analysed using Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis. Findings highlight the range of musical events attended by participants, and those factors contributing to decisions to attend events amongst those with visual impairment.
Barriers to attendance relating to several key areas are discussed, including difficulties relating to accessing information and tickets, staff interactions and training, navigation and orientation within venues, and the use and availability of disabled facilities and specialist services. The presentation will highlight key findings from the study, making use of participant quotes to demonstrate themes identified in the data, and contextualise results within the wider literature surrounding inclusion and diversity within arts audiences.
About Dr Claire Castle
Claire completed her undergraduate degree in Music at the University of Birmingham in 2013, before going on to complete a Masters in Applied Psychology of Music in 2014 at the School of Music, University of Leeds. Claire returned to complete a PhD at Leeds, graduating in 2019.
Claire was co-supervised by Professor Karen Burland and Dr Alinka Greasley during her doctoral studies, funded by a University of Leeds 100th Anniversary Research Scholarship. Her doctoral research explored the everyday musical experiences of adults and adolescents with visual impairments, considering the role of music in their lives, and how issues of access and inclusive impact on experiences of listening via technology and at live events.
The topics of accessibility, and the value of the arts to everyday life and well-being outcomes, remain key research interests in her work at BRAVO VICTOR, a research charity within the Blind Veterans UK Group.