
Results 136 to 140 of 188 in Institute for Medieval Studies

The conference 'Non-Royal Rulership in the Earlier Medieval West, c. 600-1200', is being held at the University of Leeds in April 2019 - abstracts are due 31 January 2019.

Kirkstall Abbey

The LUU Medieval Society has started off the year with an exciting mix of events, from trips to medieval sites, to a double film screening, with more events planned for after the holidays.

These fellowships are designed exclusively for early-career researchers to make use of the Yorkshire Archaeological Historical Society Special Collections held within the Brotherton Library.

Dr Thomas Smith, a Leverhulme Early Career Fellow in the IMS, has received a Highly Commended award from the Janette Harley Prize committee for his monograph.

Two faculty members of the IMS will collaborate with Leeds Museum and Galleries to supervise a 2019 WRoCAH Collaborative Doctoral Award focusing on Kirkstall Abbey: applications are currently open.