Medieval Group research afternoon

- Date: Saturday 12 October 2019, 14:00 – 17:00
- Location: Parkinson Building
- Cost: Free
The Medieval Group Research Afternoon, the first Medieval Group meeting of the year, will introduce medievalists new to the university or in new roles showcasing projects, opportunities, and research.
The Medieval Group research afternoon, held in the Le Patourel Room (Parkinson Building fourth floor, 4.06), is an annual event celebrating the diversity of activities and opportunities within the IMS. This year’s event includes the following speakers:
- Corinne Lamour (Poitiers/IMS), speaking about her project editing the Middle English version of the motif of the Three Living and the Three Dead;
- Konstanze Kunst (Leeds University Library, Special Collections), speaking about her work with the Cecil Roth Collection: ‘(Re-)Cataloguing Cecil Roth’s Manuscript Collection: What’s the Point?’;
- Francesca Petrizzo (Leverhulme/IMS alumna) speaking about her Leverhulme Study Abroad Studentship working on the crusader Tancred of Hauteville;
- Alaric Hall (School of English/Director of the IMS) speaking about plans for a new Medieval Studies journal to be published at Leeds;
- Victoria Yuskaitis and Florence Scott (IMS PhD postgraduate researchers), speaking about opportunities through Education Outreach;
- Marta Cobb (Senior Congress Officer), speaking about the International Medieval Congress (IMC);
- and Maroula Perisanidi (Leverhulme Early Career Fellow, IMS), giving a talk about her research titled ‘There Won’t be Blood: Comparative Views on Violence in Canon Law’.
As usual, tea, biscuits and cake will be available, and participants are welcome to chat informally and find out more about what is happening in the IMS. New MA and PhD students are particularly welcome.
The event will conclude with the constitution of the new Steering Comittee and a discussion of plans for next year. Anyone interested is welcome to join the committee and be involved in shaping the programme for the coming academic year.
All are welcome!
Please direct any queries to the faculty organiser of the Medieval Group, Melanie Brunner (