Simon Bromiley


I am a (very) mature history PGR studying part-time by distance learning. I have a background in policing having retired as a Detective Inspector in 2019. Since then I have completed a MA Social and Cultural History where my dissertation explored why women were over-represented within the casualty statistics of the 1819 Peterloo Massacre.

Since leaving the police I have worked within the NHS, Further Education and currently work at His Majesty’s Prison and Probation Service (HMPPS). I hold industry qualifications in leadership and management, education and training and coaching and work-based assessment.

Research interests

My academic interests lie in 18th and 19th century British history with a specific interest in the 1819 Peterloo Massacre. Traditional work on the massacre has focused narrowly on social and class-based aspects whereas I believe postcolonial approaches present an opportunity to broaden our understanding of the massacre when contexualised with other uprisings and rebellions within the colonies which were ruthlessly put down by a British military operating within a hierarchical and racialised framework.


  • MA Social & Cultural History- Bishop Grosseteste University, Lincoln
  • MA International Policy & Diplomacy- University of Staffordshire
  • Postgraduate Diploma in Criminal Justice Studies- University of Portsmouth
  • BA(Hons) History & Politics- University of Lancaster