Zejun Yao

Zejun Yao


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My current research intends to explore both intellectual and physical challenges between art and sport performance in the context of mass participation. By connecting these two fields of practice, the emerged hybrid term, 'artisthlete', emphasises the complex engagement by participants in generating potential and new forms of knowledge in the context of the collaborative arts practice. My practice is driven an interest in multi-sensory and perceptive, primarily addressing audiovisual techniques and cinematographic aesthetics. My work often takes the form of performances and installations that use bodily gestures and movements including dance, gymnastics and sport.


Co-organiser of Art Through Practice (ATP) Research Group.

Assistant Coach of University of Leeds Cross Country Club.


Research interests

- Public participation and time-based art

- 'Mise-en-scène' in art reserach and teaching

- Speed-endurance running and collaborative arts 

- Data visualisation and interactive mapping


  • BA Film Studies and Directing (ESEC Paris)
  • Independent study Audiovisual (University of Kyushu)
  • MA International and Artistic Cooperation at (University of Paris 8)