
Results 51 to 55 of 260 in School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies

Artist Molly Newham standing next to a sculpture entitled Erosion Term II; Tension 2022)

Work by final year BA Fine Art student Molly Newham is currently on display in a new exhibition at The Old Parcel Office gallery in Scarborough.

Group of 12 people sitting around a wooden trestle table in an art studio.

Work created by neurodivergent and learning disabled artists is going on show at the University of Leeds next week in a new exhibition which explores how they can develop their careers.

Fahacs collab 2 A Irregular art

A new blog by Dr Jade French on Irregular Art Schools shows the way forward to break down barriers to studying art.

Facilities ug fahacs

An exciting new programme designed to inspire and support Year 12 students interested in studying creative arts courses, such as fine art and history of art, begins at the university this March.

conference delegates in a lecture theatre

Postgraduate Researcher Stuart Bowes recounts his experience of presenting the current findings of his PhD at the European Registrars Conference 2022.