Visiting Artist’s Talk – Dominic Blake

For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk we welcome Dominic Blake.

Dominic Blake is a London based art writer, lecturer and performance artist whose work concerning the life model is located at the core of an emerging art historical debate.

His ongoing lecture series Are Life Models Artists? has appeared at venues including The National Gallery, Mall Galleries, Royal College of Art and Cambridge University.

A life model at the Royal Academy of Arts, he is currently completing a translation of his lecture series into a monograph due for publication in 2025 with generous assistance from The Charleston Trust. 

About the Visiting Artists’ Talks series

The Visiting Artist’s Talk (VAT) series hosts talks by an exciting range of arts practitioners from around the world every Monday afternoon 2–4pm during teaching weeks.

All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but are also open to anyone else who would like to join us.

For more information, please email Cesar Cornejo.

Directions to Roger Stevens Lecture Theatre 20

See the campus map.


Dominic Blake in the life room at the Royal Academy of Arts. Photo courtesy of the artist.