Visiting Artist’s Talk – Ope Lori

- Date: Monday 25 February 2019, 14:00 – 15:30
- Location: Chemistry West Block LT F (G.74)
- Cost: Free
For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk (VAT), we welcome Ope Lori.
I Want Me Some Brown Sugar (2013) at 198 Contemporary Arts and Learning put Ope Lori’s work on an international stage.
Other seminal shows include La Parole aux Femmes: Women Speak Out (2014/15) at La Foundation Blachère, France, where she has exhibited alongside Kara Walker and Ayana Jackson. In 2016, Lori was part of Now! Now!...In more than one place (2016) a show curated by Sonia Boyce (OBE, RA) around Black artists and modernisms. In 2018, she was part of Practice in Dialogue In Whose Eyes exhibition at Beaconsfield Gallery, London. She was awarded a PhD from University of the Arts London (UAL) in 2014.
Opi Lori lectures at both Chelsea College of Arts and Leeds Arts University, and was the 16/18 Post-Doctoral Research Fellowship at TrAIN, UAL. She is the author of the upcoming (2019) book, Beyond The Feminine: The Politics of Skin Colour and Gender in Visual Representations, Bloomsbury, London.
The Visiting Artist’s Talk (VAT) series hosts talks by an exciting range of arts practitioners from around the world every Monday afternoon from 14:00 to 15:30 during teaching weeks.
All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but open to anyone else who would like to join us.
For more information, email Aleana Turner.
Image: Ope Lori, After Newton (2012) photographic print.