Centre for Love, Sex and Relationships Launch Workshop

- Date: Friday 2 June 2023, 10:00 – 16:00
- Location: Inter-Disciplinary Ethics Applied
- Cost: FREE
The Centre of Love, Sex, and Relationships to host first workshop in June.
The newly formed Centre for Love, Sex, and Relationships (CLSR) is having a launch event. This will be a one day workshop with an exciting set of talks. Dr Jessica Isserow will give a talk titled: 'The role of history in relationships: why people are different from possessions'. Dr Pilar Lopez-Cantero, who is based at Tilburg University will give a talk on ‘Wallowing, self-care, and narrative (in)competence: moving on after romantic break-ups’. Dr Luke Brunning will speak about ‘Intimacy and domination’ and Dr Joe Bowen will give a talk called ‘Consenting to the Unconsentable’.
If you would like to attend, please email Dr Natasha McKeever (n.mckeever@leeds.ac.uk) by 21st April.