Prize-giving: FUAM Graduate Art Prize 2020

- Date: Wednesday 14 October 2020, 17:30 – 18:30
- Location: Off-campus
- Cost: Free - online event
The winner of this year's FUAM Graduate Art Prize will be announced at this live online event.
Now in its eighth year, the prize and exhibition, supported by the Friends of University Art & Music (FUAM), rewards the artistic excellence of students completing BA studies in Art and Design and Fine Art at the University of Leeds in 2020.
The judges have made their decision: the official announcement of the FUAM Graduate Art Prize 2020 winner will be made at this special evening event hosted by The Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery.
The winner of the People's Choice Award will also be revealed.
The winning artist will be on hand to offer a short artist talk, with time for questions.
How to book
This event is hosted online and the event link will be emailed to registered attendees one day before the start time.
The People’s Choice Award
Have your say and vote for your favourite artwork.
Shortlisted artists
The finalists were selected by an expert panel of judges following submissions from recent graduates of the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies and School of Design at the University of Leeds.
The four finalists are:
T'Shah Henry (BA Art and Design)
Emma Lawrence (BA Art and Design)
Sasha Napoli (BA Fine Art)
Poppy Jones-Little (BA Fine Art)
Visit the online exhibition to view their work.
Poppy Jones-Little, the lump of stuff which makes her up, 2020. Deconstructed towel with image of ripped towel, 59.4 x 104.2 x 131 cm. © The Artist.
T'Shah Henry, Emergence V (detail), 2020 (Series: Symbiotic Systems). Digital Image, envisioned dimensions: 125 x 187.5cm. © The Artist.
Emma Lawrence, To Expand, plaster, 65cm/24cm. © The Artist.
Sasha Napoli, Banana Peel, oil on linen with acrylic on paper 163 x24x7cm, clay banana 18x4x4cm, 2020. Shown in simulated gallery space. © The Artist.