Creative Communities: Ecosystems of Innovation and Enterprise in Vietnam

- Date: Tuesday 21 May 2019, 16:45 – 18:00
- Location: Music
- Cost: Free
This special international event is hosted by the Centre for Cultural Policy at the University of Leeds, and is supported by the British Council.
The Centre for Cultural Policy welcomes speakers from Hanoi University of Science and Technology (HUST) and Hao Sen University (HSU) who will be discussing how universities can support local innovation ecosystems. HUST have developed a creative lab-based approach whilst HSU have developed a service learning centre aimed at connecting student projects with local communities to help solve real world problems.
This event is part of a School of Performance and Cultural Industries Higher Education Partnership project funded by British Council Vietnam.
The event will finish with a question and answer session and will be followed by networking and refreshments.
Find out further details and register for your free place here