Resources for staff and students

- The University’s Equality and Inclusion Unit is a key place to find information about University policy, institutional frameworks and reports. The Unit also provides access to support and resources on a wide range of equality and inclusion issues.
- Disability Services supports disabled students and their academic departments, providing information on adjustments as well as information about funding and other forms of support.
- Leeds University Student Union (LUU) provides support to students on a range of equality and inclusion issues as well as Health and Wellbeing. The LUU Executive Equality and Diversity Officer champions equality and inclusion across the University and the City and promotes student voices
Staff networks
There are a number of staff networks that connect staff who identify with a protected group or have special needs. Networks include:
- Network for Minoritised Ethnic Staff (N4MES)
- LGBTQ+ Staff Network
- Muslim Staff Network
- Women@Leeds
- Leeds Accessibility Staff Network (LASN)
Faculty guidance and policy
Core meeting hours guidance
This guidance document outlines our shared commitment to make meetings and events as accessible as possible.
Trans Awareness Guidance
This guide has been created by staff and students in the Schools of Performance and Cultural Industries and Music. Although primarily written with these school communities in mind, it will likely be of interest to staff and students across the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures.
Supporting staff and students with caring responsibilities
The University of Leeds has various policies and initiatives to support staff and students who have caring responsibilities.
Menopause support for staff and students
The University of Leeds offers a range of support for staff and students who are either experiencing the menopause, or would like to gain a deeper understanding to be able to support those who are.