Supporting staff and students with caring responsibilities

On this page you will find links to, and information about, policies that promote flexible working, particularly for those with caring responsibilities.
Resources for student parents and carers
The University policy on support for student parents and carers outlines how you will be supported to succeed in your studies as a parent or carer.
Find out how you can meet other student parents.
Campus facilities for parents
The University provides a range of facilities on campus for parents and families including bottle and breastfeeding spaces and onsite childcare.
Support for staff
Maternity leave and pay
You are entitled to 52 weeks maternity leave and depending on your length or service and circumstances there are several paid options detailed in the policy. Keeping in Touch days (KIT days) enable you to keep in contact with your line manager and team while you are on maternity leave. They offer a paid opportunity to attend work related activities or professional development and support with transitioning back to work.
Adoption and Surrogacy leave and pay
If you are planning to adopt or to have a baby through a surrogacy arrangement there are various leave and pay options depending on your circumstances. You are entitled to 52 weeks’ adoption/surrogacy leave.
Paternity and Partner Leave and pay
You can take 10 days leave on full pay following the birth or adoption of your child. In addition, there is the option of Shared Parental leave.
Shared Parental Leave policy and guidance
You and your partner can share childcare responsibilities following the birth or adoption of your child. You can take time off together or separately depending on your circumstances.
Parental Leave Policy
Parents can spend additional time with their child with the option to take up to 18 weeks unpaid leave per child up to the child’s 18th birthday.
University of Leeds Single Parent Network
An informal network that raises awareness and provides support for single parents. Meetings are held on the third Thursday of each month and there is a Teams channel for further support.
Arts,Humanities and Cultures Support for Carers Policy
The AHC Support for Carers Policy has been developed to support staff and postgraduate researchers with caring responsibilities who wish to access training and development or attend conferences. The scheme provides up to £500 of additional funding to help cover the costs of care.
To apply and access more information on the scheme, please download and complete the application form.
Flexible Working Policy and application
You may be able to vary your working hours, pattern or location with the agreement of your Head of School or Service.
Career Break Policy and application form
You can take a career break from work between three months and three years. For example to travel, or spend time with family. You will need to complete an application and send it to your Head of School.
Job Sharing
Sharing a job with someone else can be a great way to develop your career if you are unable to work full time. The University (and the Faculty) supports job sharing at all levels.