Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Portrait of Samuel Perks Samuel Perks PhD English
Portrait of Sara Brio Sara Brio PhD English
Headshot of School of Music alumni Symeon Yovev. Symeon is outside with greenery behind him which is out of focus, he is looking directly at the camera. Symeon Yovev PhD in Experimental Composition (Pratice-led) German
Toussaint Nothias, PhD Media and Communication student Toussaint Nothias PhD Media and Communication French
MA Valentina Ragni, PhD Audio-Visual Translation student Valentina Ragni PhD Audio-Visual Translation Italian
Portrait of Victoria betton Victoria Betton PhD Media and Communication British
Yafei Wang Yafei Wang PhD (Research) Chinese
Ysabel Gerrard Ysabel Gerrard PhD Media and Communication British
Yunfei Xu PhD Chinese
Portrait of Yuri Misnikov Yuri Misnikov PhD Media and Communication Belarusian