Student and alumni profiles

Find out what our current students think about our courses, where our alumni are now and how their experiences at Leeds have helped them in their career.

Name Course Nationality
Portrait of Alannah Halay Alannah Halay PhD in Composition
Alina Dobreva, PhD Media and Communication student Alina Dobreva PhD Media and Communication Bulgarian
Amy Bosnall, PhD English student Amy Clare Bonsall PhD English (Practice-led)
Andrew Morris Andrew Morris PhD Media and Communication
Andrew Stanners, PHD Applied Ethics (Philosophy) student Andrew Stanners PhD Applied Ethics (Philosophy)
Benjamin Brown
Portrait of Christiaan de beukelaer Christiaan De Beukelaer PhD Media and Communication Belgian
Clare Fisher head shot Clare Fisher PhD (Practice-led)
Ilse Astrid Ras, PhD English student Ilse Astrid Ras PhD English Language Dutch
James Mason, PhD Media and Communication student James Mason PhD Media and Communication British
Jessica Sanfilippo-Schulz Jessica Sanfilippo-Schulz PhD by Distance Learning - English
Portrait of Jessica Walker Jessica Walker PhD (Practice-led)
Portrait of Jim Baxter Jim Baxter PhD Philosophy
Kerry Harker Kerry Harker PhD
Kit Heyam, PhD English student Kit Heyam PhD English
Portrait of Michael schofield Michael Schofield PhD Media and Communication British
School of Music alumnus, Michele Abondano. Michele is stood against a neutral background and is looking directly at the camera and smiling. Michele Abondano PhD in Composition Colombian
School of Music PhD student Michelle Ulor. Michelle stands against a white background and is looking at the camera and smiling. Michelle Ulor PhD in Music Psychology
Nur Kareelawati Binti Abd Karim, PhD Media and Communication student Nur Kareelawati Binti Abd Karim PhD Media and Communication Malaysian
Samuel McKay, Applied Theatre PhD student Samuel McKay PhD Applied Theatre