Siyuan (Cyan) Zhao

Siyuan (Cyan) Zhao


I am a design researcher for Smart Textile with a multi-background in fashion design in fine art, materials research in synthetic and industrial experience with menswear knitting, CMFP & seamless design. I received my high school and bachelor's degree in the United States, Boston & Chicago, and my Master’s degree in the United Kingdom, London.  I am currently doing a PhD at the University of Leeds, School of Design, focusing on Employing Human-Centered Design to Integrate Functional Materials and Textile Components for Healthcare. My interests include integrating professional knowledge from science to research for design, R4D. 

Research interests

Smart Textile

4D Knit

3D Weave




  • MRes Design - Royal College of Art
  • BFA Fashion (Merit Scholarship Recipient) - School of the Art Institute of Chicago
  • Visual Art - Walnut Hill School for the Art