Colour Folds and other things: A conversation between Andrea Thoma and Kevin Laycock

Taking place in the Project Space at Patrick Studios, Andrea Thoma was joined by artist and musician Kevin Laycock to discuss abstraction within contemporary painting.
An excerpt from the conversation between Andrea Thoma and Kevin Laycock at the closing event of Thoma's exhibition 'Colour folds and other things: the painted, photographed and filmed' at East Street Projects Space, Leeds, in July 2022 has been uploaded to YouTube.
During the conversation they were discussing abstraction in painting, Kevin’s curatorial projects involving historical British abstract painting, intermedia (juxtapositions of different media) and more specifically, the relationship between image, sound and music.
Andrea discusses some of her works shown in the exhibition further in a recently published journal article, ‘What is to Hand: The Fold as Landscape Within Textile Imagination’.