The University's tribute to Dr Hussein Sirriyeh
The University's tribute to Dr Hussein Sirriyeh
Jane Scott speaks on environmentally responsive textiles at The Other Way symposium
Jane Scott, constructed textile designer and Senior Teaching Fellow on BA Textile Design, has been invited to speak at The Other Way symposium at Central Saint Martins, London on Friday 2 February.
'Medieval Bodies Ignored: Politics, Culture, and Flesh' Proposal Deadline Approaching
'Medieval Bodies Ignored', the University of Leeds Postgraduate Conference held on campus from 4-6 May 2018, is accepting paper proposals until the deadline of 28 February 2018.
Jonathan Jarrett, Keynote Speaker
Jonathan Jarrett, Lecturer in Early Medieval History at the University of Leeds, is the Keynote Speaker for the Medieval Midlands Postgraduate Conference: Boundaries and Frontiers in the Middle Ages.
Learn how to practice Meyerhold’s biomechanics with our free online course
Learn how to practice Meyerhold’s biomechanics with our free online course