2nd CTS Professionalisation Talk 2019-20
On 17 October 2019, Sue Leschen, CIOL Fellow and Chartered Linguist, gave a talk about CIOL student membership followed by a presentation on specialising as a legal translator and / or interpreter.
Leeds Doctoral College Research Night: a foray into fight books
Postgraduate researcher Jacob Deacon presents research on the construction and translation of images in sixteenth-century fencing treatises, as part of Doctoral College research event.
Success in FUAM Graduate Art Prize.
Former BA Art and Design student Katie Bennett-Rice has won the 2019 FUAM Graduate Art Prize.
Matt Foster and Hope Yoemans shortlisted for the BJTC Student Journalism Awards 2019
The Broadcast Journalism Training Council is the UK’s industry-backed training body for online and broadcast journalism.
Kimberly Campanello in discussion on Clear Spot: Making Conversations
Creative Writing course leader Dr Campanello will give the first live reading on British radio from her acclaimed work, MOTHERBABYHOME.