
Results 111 to 115 of 2490 in all schools

Athens agora temple of hephaistos

A new research centre has launched in the School of Languages Cultures and Societies, bringing together the thriving and growing community of Classics researchers at the University of Leeds

Stylophone in front of a canvas background

Two new exhibitions devised by MA students from the School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies will be open to the public this August.

Black and white photo of a group of people standing on steps to a building

A new book by Shir Kochavi explores the influence of the traumatic events of the Holocaust on the formation of a cultural heritage policy during the foundational years of the State of Israel.

Works by artists Ella Georgiou, Mathilda Doubleday, Saba Siddiqui, Tia Brown

Four graduates from the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Culture have been shortlisted for this year’s Friends of University Art and Music (FUAM) Graduate Art Prize.

Multilingualism in the Novel

Reading and creative writing can help survivors of domestic abuse and sexual violence in working through experiences of trauma and assist in the healing process