
Results 256 to 260 of 778 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Dr Ross Cole

Dr Cole has been awarded the prestigious Bruno Nettl Prize for his recent book 'The Folk: Music, Modernity, and the Political Imagination', published by University of California Press.

Professor Tendai Mangena

The British Academy has awarded a prestigious Global Professor Award to Dr Tendai Mangena, who will join the University of Leeds in February 2023.

Joshua Madsen-Jensen

From a kitchen table to the Royal Albert Hall: how three Leeds alumni turned some dubious content into comedy gold.

In an episode of the Radio 4 programme 'The Long View' on political comebacks, Dr Rebecca Darley talks about the Roman Emperor Justinian II.

A short wicker clothes basket full of clothes on a table in front of a washing machine.

According to a Washington Post article featuring Dr Mark Sumner, washing clothes on a cold wash, and less regularly than you think, is better for them.