
Results 411 to 415 of 778 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

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Shape the future as a transformative educator at Leeds.

Parkinson tower at leeds

The leader of Belarus was recently interviewed by the BBC’s Moscow correspondent Steve Rosenberg (Russian Studies, 1991).

Great Hall

Two new research projects, aimed at improving access to postgraduate study for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic students are underway at Leeds.

Image of a person coughing

A team of researchers have received funding from the Research England Policy Support Fund

An image of the Parkinson Building illuminated in the colours of the LGBTQ+ flag.

Dr Hendrik Kraetzschmar (AIMES), Professor Richard Cleminson (SPLAS), Dr Andrew Delatolla (AIMES) and our local partner Mr Pablo Nuñez have been awarded funding from the Ceutan Institute of Studies.