
Results 536 to 540 of 778 in Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

Bee Bond has book published

The book focuses on the nexus of language, disciplinary content and knowledge communication, and Higher Education's current push for internationalisation.

Gregory Radick

Professor Gregory Radick's review essay was published in the TLS on August 14 2020.

LCS PhD student Natalia Parker with her first published textbook

Congratulations to Natalia V. Parker who has had her book 'Russian in Plain English: A Very Basic Russian Starter for Complete Beginners' published by Routledge.

Cover of Displaced Replaced art book with art work by Georgina Davis in the background

Fine Art graduate Catherine Morgan writes about working on a final year student collective project to create an art book, in the context of adapting to the covid-19 pandemic lockdown.

Photo of an interconnected, dew covered spider web

A webinar series celebrating the interdisciplinary nature of the arts, and partnerships between art professionals, researchers and students.