Welcoming Students to the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures

- Date: Thursday 15 September 2022, 16:00 – 17:00
- Location: Lyddon Terrace SR 1 (1.06) House no 20
- Cost: Free
Hosted by Professor Joslin McKinney, School of Performance and Cultural Industries.
Our next Curriculum Redefined Conversation will focus on welcoming students to the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures to consider different ways in which we can build a sense of belonging with our students.
Our contributors include:
- Steven Clark, AHC Student Success Officer – 'Mentoring and buddying to develop a sense of belonging'
- Niamh Mullen, University of Leeds 'Belonging' Academic Lead and Molly Newham, member of the AHC Student Advisory Board – 'The case for belonging - what research and students say'.
- Peter Rhodes, Academic Personal Tutor Lead in School of Design, 'Academic Personal Tutoring – developing supportive relationships with tutees'
This conversation will be useful for anyone involved in the front line of supporting students, including academic staff, student education support and learning development colleagues.
This is the first session of three events in the Curriculum Redefined Conversations series organised around the themes of welcome, induction and transition in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures. The second event, ‘Creative Co-Curricular Events in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures’ will be hosted by Learning and Teaching Enhancement Officer, Tess Hornsby Smith (time and date tbc). The third event, hosted by Dr Helen Finch, Dr Milena Marinkova, and Dr Christina Nick will focus on ‘Inclusion and Decoloniality in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities, and Cultures’ on the 13 October 2022 from 4pm to 5pm (location tbc).
Our aim is to generate dialogue, share best practice and create ideas for new PRiA projects.