Immersive Stories: the ethics and social value of storytelling

- Date: Monday 8 April 2019, 09:00 – 17:00
- Location: Clothworkers North Building, Conference Room (1.18)
- Interval: Every day
- Until: Friday 12 April 2019
- Cost: Free
This workshop aims to explore storytelling strategies and challenges with a view to finding areas of common interest for future research development.
It will bring together academics and immersive media practitioners to explore how we might develop immersive storytelling practices to foster forms of positive change for individuals and society.
Topics for discussion will include:
- immersive storytelling and its implications for questions of representation and ethics
- virtual and sensory approaches to representing the experience of trauma and difficult histories
- the changing practices of humanitarian communication
- self-representation through technology.
Speakers taking part include:
- Mike Armstrong, Senior R&D Engineer, BBC
- Dr Al Baker-Graham, University of Leeds
- Maxine Glancy, Senior Research Scientist, BBC
- Nick Hanson, Development Producer, BBC
- Professor Catherine Johnson, University of Huddersfield
- David Johnson, Senior Product Manager (VR / AR) BBC
- Rachel Moaby, Sunnybank Mills Archive
- Dr Kate Nash, University of Leeds
- Dr Jenna Ng, University of York
- Tom Perry, The World Bank
- Jen Povey, Leeds White Cloth Hall Archive
- Dr Guy Schofield, University of York
- Dr Ben Stubbs, University of South Australia
- Dan Tucker, Sheffield Doc Fest
Download the agenda (PDF) and RSVP by contacting: Sarah Hall.