Patrizia Lavizani
- Position: Teaching Fellow
- Email: P.Lavizani@leeds.ac.uk
- Phone: +44(0)113 343 9539
- Location: 2.38 Michael Sadler Building
I joined the University of Leeds as an Italian Teaching Fellow in September 1997. I teach Italian from Beginners to Lower Intermediate levels (CEFR: A1-B1). I have been responsible for the Italian language coordination and I have been also the Director of Languges for All in the School of Languages, Cultures and Societies during 2021–22.
I was an External Examiner for many years and offered my advice and expertise in language teaching and assessing to a number of other HE Institutions in England.
I love teaching Italian and believe that it is important to create a purposeful, familiar and safe environment in the classroom and around University to give students a positive learning experience.
I think that fostering autonomous learning plays a significant role in student’s progress and development of Long Life learning skills and is an important attribute for their employability. To support students’ independence and furthering their learning outside the classroom, I collaborate with Italian Erasmus students and promote their participation in the languge classes. This enables real communication, cultural awareness and the breakdown of stereotypes and bias.
- Italian Language Teacher
Research interests
As part of my Scholarship, I have presented several papers in a number of Conferences across UK in the field of my expertise and interest and contributed case studies in some published books.
- D. Killick, M. Foster, 2021 – Learners Relationships in Global Higher Education: A critical Pedagogy for a Multicultural World. Case study: Fostering global competences: bringing together Home and Study Abroad students – P.Lavizani. Routledge Tailor & Francis Group, London and New York.
- P. Lavizani, 2019 – Leeds Language Scholar Journal – University of Leeds. Article: Is Portfolio assessment worthwhile.
- A. Fisher, K.Exley and D. Ciobanu, 2014 – Using technology to support Learning and Teaching. Case study - P. Lavizani p. 121. Routledge Tailor & Francis Group, London and New York.
Conferences in which I presented:
- E-portfolio Conference 2015 – Imperial College London. Presented paper: ‘Is Portfolio Assessment in language learning worthwhile?’.
- SEC/Digi Fest 2016 – Evidencing Excellence. University of Leeds. Presented paper: ‘Exploring the use of the Internet to improve student’s language skills’.
- Languages for Specific Purposes in Higher Education – University of Cambridge 2016. Presented paper: ‘LSP in a medical contest’.
- AULC – Belfast Conference 2017- Presented paper: ‘The Multilingual University: Inspiring teachers, transforming learners’. The paper presented was called: ‘The Italian Digital Project’.
- SEC/Digi Fest 2018 – University of Leeds – Presented paper: ‘Fostering Global Competences: bringing together home and study-abroad students’
- UK LINGUA 2018 Conference – University of Durham & ECAs – Conference 2018 – University of Manchester – Presented paper: ‘Fostering Global Competences: bringing together home and study-abroad students’
- 21st AULC Annual Conference 2020 – Maynooth University, Ireland – Presented paper: ‘The power of exams: A discussion of speaking exam formats, reference to the CEFR and students’ perception of successful testing’
- Post Graduate Certificate in Learning and Teaching in Higher Education (PGCLTHE) by Portfolio Route
- City & Guilds 7305 in Teaching in Further and Higher Education – College of Technology, Leeds
- Cert.Ed. in Further/Higher Education in teaching – Park Lane, Leeds
- AQA, EDEXCEL, OCR, RSA and GNVQ assessor
- Secretarial and Tour Operator Diplomas