
Results 36 to 40 of 186 in School of Media and Communication

Someone with a megaphone surrounded by climate activists holding placards. Their signs read "it's our future," "real climate action" and "there is no planet B."

Climate change sceptics and climate activists are being urged to get together to try to find common ground as part of a study by the University of Leeds.

The Majestic Building in Leeds, which is home to new Channel 4 offices.

Dorothy Byrne, long-time Head of News at Channel 4 argued for the necessity of independent journalism at the Jay Blumer annual lecture and attracted some independent press coverage.

Students in a TV recording studio

Exploring ‘How the streaming wars are shaping culture’, Professor David Hesmondhalgh notes how more people are watching American TV.

Channel 4's news studio.

Journalism students will soon be able to hone their broadcasting skills on a TV set used by Channel 4 News presenters, thanks to a special collaboration with the University of Leeds.

Alison Phillips stands smiling next to digital copies of covers of Mirror newspapers in front of a class full of students.

Alison came back to Leeds to talk to students as part of the Media Futures series, where students take part in a Q&A session with industry professionals.