Research funds now open for applications

PRiA is delighted to announced that our Research Funds are now open for applications for 2024-2025

The Research Funds will be released in two phases during the academic year:

  1. 1 August 2024 – 31 Jan 2025. Priority will be given here to strategic bids, though all applications welcome. Applications for this phase are now open, and will close 13 Dec 2024.
  2. 1 Feb 2025 – 31 July 2025. Applications for this round will open 1 Jan 2025 and close 1 May 2025.

All awarded funds must be spent by 31 July 2025.

Applications must be submitted via this application form and returned to Lorraine Seymour before 13 December 2024 (for phase 1) or 1 May 2025 (phase 2).

Funding can be applied for via two streams:

  • Standard seedcorn funding to support small-scale pedagogical research projects, for up to £500
  • Strategic funding to support projects that are particularly aligned to Faculty strategic priorities, for up to £1000. Please discuss in advance with Edward Venn ( if you are considering applying via this route.

We especially welcome applications from colleagues new to pedagogical research, and from a diverse range of colleagues in the Faculty of Arts, Humanities and Cultures, including colleagues working in teaching, research, student support, technician areas and other support services. Applications from a collective of researchers are also welcome.

Details of PRiA's funding can be found on the PRiA Teams area. For this round:

  • For both phases, funding must be spent by 31 July 2025. Funding in each phase is available on a first-come, first-served basis.
  • Suggested uses of the funding include but are not limited to: teaching and research assistants, training and conference fees, supporting a particular resource for teaching, documenting practice for later, discipline-specific developments.
  • We encourage applications which propose diverse and innovative use of the funding, and to collaborative applications, though it remains the case that this should directly support development in teaching and learning.
  • The usual restrictions on funding apply (personal equipment cannot be applied for.)
  • You must apply for and receive ethical review via the Faculty Research Ethics Committee, where necessary, before submitting your PRiA funding application. If you are not sure whether ethical review is required for your project, please discuss with your School ethics lead.
  • If you intend to survey students as part of your work, you should consult the PRiA guidelines on using students as research participants.
  • If you are applying for teaching or research assistants, the usual HR processes apply, including a case for the developmental nature of the work. The funding cannot be used to cover regular teaching.
  • All posts funded via PRiA must be advertised via Faculty HR. PRiA will support you with this procedure. Applications cannot be made for named assistants.
  • It is expected that successful applicants will disseminate their results, and PRiA will be in touch to support you with this if your application is successful.

If you have any questions about application for PRiA funding or any of PRIA's work please contact Edward Venn. You can also join the PRiA TEAMS area.

We look forward to reading your applications!

Pedagogic Research in the Arts (PRiA) at the University of Leeds

twitter: @PRiACentreUoL