
Results 166 to 170 of 188 in Institute for Medieval Studies

To celebrate 50 years since the launch of the IMB, the IMB and Brepols Publishers are inviting all delegates of the IMC 2018 to enter the online IMB Quiz, with a chance of winning various prizes.

Several IMS Postgraduate Researchers attended the annual Easter Tournament at the Royal Armouries, which included a medieval jousting event as well as various combat and armourer displays.

Staff and students of the IMS participated in the campus-wide public engagement festival Be Curious 2018, attracting 268 visitors through seven medieval-themed activities stalls and other displays.

The International Medieval Congress (IMC) 2019 (Special Thematic Strand: 'Materialities') will take place at the University of Leeds from 1-4 July 2019, and the Call for Papers is now available.

Dr Philip Butterworth, a Visiting Research Fellow in the IMS at the University of Leeds, is an advisor on BBC 4's 'Documentary of the Week'.