Future Legacies: Collecting, Collections & Artists' Books - Symposium

A symposium in which artists, curators and archivists discuss the potential of the artists’ book within contemporary art practice and research.

Organised by PAGES in collaboration with Special Collections, University of Leeds.

Tickets cost £6 + booking fee. Speakers and students free. Please book here.


Registration and tea/coffee

Artists’ Books: Future Potentials / Future Legacies

Dr Chris Taylor, Co-Director of PAGES and Senior Lecturer, School of Fine Art, History of Art and Cultural Studies, University of Leeds will consider the role of the institutional collection in exploiting and preserving the artists’ book as primary medium within art practice.

Dora García: These books are alive; they spoke to me!

Zöe Sawyer, Curator, The Tetley, Leeds will highlight the challenges of curating books, reading and performance within the context of an exhibition.

‘Notes for a Performance – Re visioning a Ritual’: Re enacting unknown histories and the gaps between

Louise Adkins (artist and Senior Lecturer, Manchester School of Art; Amanda Burton Scholar: practice-led PhD, School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies, University of Leeds) will be discussing her new work for the forthcoming exhibition Made in Translation at the Portico Library, Manchester.


As and from the library: five artists’ books

John McDowall (artist and Co-Director of PAGES; Amanda Burton Scholar: practice-led PhD, School of Fine Art, History of Art & Cultural Studies, University of Leeds) presents book works which embody serendipitous paths of reading from shelf to shelf and book to book, and that may be thought of as libraries in and of themselves.

Round Table, convened by Chris Taylor

In reflecting on the present, how do we utilise the collection in order to reconnect with the past and consider our future?
Panel members: Louise Adkins, Joanne Fitton (Head of Special Collections, Brotherton Library), Rhiannon Lawrence-Francis (Special Collections – Rare Books), John McDowall, Zöe Sawyer and Nigel Walsh (Curator of Contemporary Art, Leeds Art Gallery).

Exhibition and refreshments

Future Legacies: Collections, Collecting and Artists’ Books
Stanley & Audrey Burton Gallery

Download the programme here.
This event has been organised with support from the Centre for Practice-led Research in the Arts (CePRA).

Image: The But Book, Priya Pereira, mixed media, 2016