Visiting Artist's Talk — Valeria Graziano

For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk (VAT), we welcome cultural theorist and activist Valeria Graziano.

Valeria Graziano has been a Postdoctoral Fellow at the universities of Middlesex and Leuphana, and is currently a Research Fellow at the Centre for Postdigital Cultures, Coventry University. Her work as a theorist and activist in the arts focuses on practices that foster a creative redistribution of power over social reproduction as well as celebrating the refusal of work and the politicization of pleasure.  

Over the years, she has been involved in numerous initiatives for institutional change across the cultural sector and social movements. She is one of the convenors of Pirate Care, a translocal project that focuses on collective learning and disobedient responses to the current care crisis.  

In 2019, she edited a special issue of ephemera: theory & politics, entitled ‘Repair Matters’. Other recent publications include ‘Learning from #Syllabus’ in State Machines. Reflections and Actions at the Edge of Digital Citizenship, Finance, and Art (Institute of Network Cultures, 2019) and ‘Recreation at Stake’ in A Live Gathering: Performance and Politics in Contemporary Europe (b_books, 2019). 

The Visiting Artists' Talks (VAT) series for 2020/21 welcomes guests across two semesters to join us live via Teams every Monday afternoon during teaching weeks.

Each session brings an arts professional to talk with us (as a community) about what they do and why, and to chat with the student body honestly about their career journey and interests.

All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but open to anyone else who would like to join us.

Event link

The event will be hosted on Microsoft Teams via the link below. 

Link to Valeria Graziano’s talk.

For further information about the VAT series, please email Nick Thurston.


Portrait of Valeria Graziano, 2019