Visiting Artist's Talk — Taus Makhacheva

- Date: Monday 3 February 2020, 14:00 – 15:30
- Location: Chemistry West Block LT F (G.74)
- Cost: Free
For this week's Visiting Artist's Talk (VAT), we welcome Taus Makhacheva.
Taus Makhacheva lives and works in Moscow. She is known predominantly for performance and video works that critically examine what happens when different cultures and traditions come into contact with one another.
Often humorous, her works test the resilience of images, objects and bodies in today’s world. Makhacheva’s projects always originate from a story told or an experience shared, and expand out into wider collections of narratives and disciplines.
Selected exhibitions include the Lyon Biennial (2019), Manifesta 12 (Palermo, 2018), Liverpool Biennial (2018), Yinchuan Biennale (2018), Riga International Biennial of Contemporary Art (2018), Venice Biennial (2017), Garage Triennial of Russian Contemporary Art (Moscow, 2017), Shanghai Biennial (2016), Kyiv Biennial (2015) and Sharjah Biennial (2013).
Makhacheva’s awards include the 6th Moscow Biennale of Contemporary Art Foundation Prize (2015), the Future of Europe Prize from the Leipzig Museum of Contemporary Art (2014) and the New Generation – Innovation State Prize (2012).
Her solo show Hold Your Horses opens at The Tetley, Leeds, on 7 February.
All of our talks are compulsory for our Fine Art students but open to anyone else who would like to join us.
For more information, email Nick Thurston.
Portrait of Taus Makhacheva by Natalia Pokrovskaya. Courtesy of Taus Makhacheva studio.